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The Red Road
  -  The Red Road

Friend or foe? Are you curious about what you will find behind the door? Are you still following the red road? It is your decision. Behind the small house is the exit of the forest. So, what next? Look at the roads that lie ahead of you: - The road already known - The road that beckons - The road not travelled - The road back to a safe

The red road will bring you to where your hearts is. Be prepared for obstacles and temptations. Don’t let others to make your red path for you. Others may walk it with you, but no one for you! Remember, the path is the goal! Don’t be afraid to walk the red road, concentrate on the beauty of your surroundings instead of looking at the

November is when autumn fully comes into its own, and you get to feel the crisp chill in the air. In Saint Petersburg days are getting shorter and shorter and soon snow and frost will invade. In the coming weeks I will share with you some of my secret places, where you still can enjoy summer and fill up with energy. Welcome to this magical