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Painting from Beauty & Beast series, Lea Fuchs, 100x100 cm,  Mixed on canvas, 2012   For thousands of years, felines were spiritual and cultural symbols for mankind that were worshipped and feared. Prehistorically, religions considered giant carnivores as a preferential messenger to another world. The wild cats have been regarded by humans with awe. Lions and leopards appeared in European cave art as old as 30.000 years ago. photos-chauvet-pont-arc-cave-2095.htm Several

A very powerful statement with such a deep meaning: there are so many things to be thankful for, for those who want to seek and appreciate them. If you focus on the negative, you'll only see what's going wrong. Look for the positive, there is so much of it around you. See the flowers around you!

Quotes awaken, remind us and encourage in us what is really important in life. Quotes: Are easy to remember Can express what we desire in a condensed way Put straight away in words, what is difficult for many to express Re-encourage us in difficult situation Ultimately can be a great motivator to change your life or follow your goals Even the strongest, at some

Tiger, tiger, burning bright, In the forest of the night. What immortal hand of eye, hath framed Thy fearful symmetry. (William Blake, 1794, “The Tiger”) We can keep this image of the Tiger like metaphor of the evident obsession of the mankind for the feline (wild cats), an obsession that has marked many prehistorically cultures, that has always accompanied the Eastern and Western culture from the Paleolithic trough

Friend or foe? Are you curious about what you will find behind the door? Are you still following the red road? It is your decision. Behind the small house is the exit of the forest. So, what next? Look at the roads that lie ahead of you: - The road already known - The road that beckons - The road not travelled - The road back to a safe